Ons is liefdadigheidsorganisasie # 89681-9646RR0001.
Elke tipe en hoeveelheid ondersteuning word baie waardeer en sal gebruik word om ons werk met die multikulturele gemeenskap van Saint John, New Brunswick, voort te sit.
Die personeel en direksie van PRUDE Inc. bedank u graag vir al u ondersteuning. In die lig van die huidige gebeure, het ons gemeenskap gestyg en meer mense het ooit na ons uitgereik en ondersteuning gebied deur tyd, talent en donasies.
PRUDE Inc. staan vir Pride of Race, Unity and Dignity through Education. Ons streef daarna om ons gemeenskap op te voed oor die skadelike gevolge van rassisme en diskriminasie van alle vorme. Ons sal altyd die Swart gemeenskap ondersteun. Nie net vandag nie, maar elke dag. Swart lewens maak saak.
Diversity Champion Awards
PRUDE Inc. (Pride of Race, Unity & Dignity through Education) hou sy vyfde jaarlikse geleentheid om Saint John -werkgewers, organisasies en individue te erken vir hul beste praktyke om diversiteit, insluiting en gelykheid te bevorder. Ons weet dat diversiteit belangrik is!
Die Diversity Champion Awards vier individue, organisasies en besighede wat bewys het dat hulle inklusiewe leiers in ons gemeenskap is. Ons herken diegene in die Saint John -omgewing wat leierskap getoon het vir verskillende kulturele agtergronde, sigbare minderhede en immigrante.
'N Sleutelrol van ons organisasie is om multikulturalisme te bevorder en verwelkomende, samehangende gemeenskappe te versterk deur middel van openbare onderwys en bewusmakingsaktiwiteite. Daarom wil ons ook skool- en gemeenskapsleiers erken wat kultureel diverse leeromgewings bevorder en aanmoedig.
Hierdie jaar is uiters belangrik, aangesien ons ook PRUDE Inc. se 40ste bestaansjaar vier! Daar sal beslis baie goeie herinneringe herleef tydens hierdie geleentheid!
Sleutelspreker en ander dele van die geleentheid word later bepaal!
2021 Diversity Champion Awards Winners
2021 Diversity Champion Awards Nominees
The keynote speaker was the Vice-President of UNB Saint John, Dr. Petra Hauf, who focused on the challenges of living with acceptance and inclusion in our daily life. The lieutenant Governor of NB, the Honourable Brenda Murphy and local MLA's including Trevor Holder, Gary Crossman, Bill Oliver and Glenn Savoie attended the event. Four local Mayors ( Saint John, Grand-Bay Westfield, Quispamsis and Rothesay) came together to support the diversity champions.
Diversity Champion Awards winners were : ERB Builders Ltd. in Small Business category, Christine Roy in Education & Heritage category, Seun Richards from Door2Door Pickup Couriers in Immigrant Entrepreneur category, Wyndham Hotels and Resort in Corporate Business category, Feyrous, Rober, Mary and Angel from FAR Away Kitchen in Youth Leaders category, Don Darling in Community Leader category, and Sheila Croteau (posthumous) in Honorary Award category.
A congratulation message from Mayor of Quispamsis, Libby O’Hara
"What a great night of celebration last night. The 40th Anniversary is a true milestone. Your enthusiasm and leadership, encourage all of us to strive to always do better.
I was honoured to take part in a small way and to be in the presence of so many people who contribute to improving our region, on a daily basis. Being inclusive, and embracing diversity fills in the voids in our identity. We need to be responsible and unite our world, one step at a time, one neighbour at a time, and one shared meal at a time. We need to respect our cultures as a foundation to build a new identity of trust, respect, sharing and community. As we say, together we are stronger. Our region is stronger and we are better, kinder people.
Thank you for leading us to strive for our potential in standing united.