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2018 - 19 Contest - Winning Essays

Our "Champion's For Change"  winners who participated in PRUDE Inc.'s "Valuing Our Differences" presentations during the 2018-19 school year are Kathleen Carpenter, Gr. 12 Belleisle Regional High School, Charles Schmidt, Gr. 7 Princess Elizabeth School, and Sawyer King, Gr. 6 Barnhill Memorial School.

Thank you to all teachers and students who participated.... Together, we can make a difference!

Kathlene Carpenter

Grade 12 Belleisle Regional High School

"It starts with working on ourselves, we have to be positive and create a positive community!"

Sawyer King

Grade 6 Barnhill Memorial

"It's not the destination, it's the JOURNEY." 

Charles Schmidt

Grade 7 Princess Elizabeth School

"A community that is SAFE" was Charles' wish for everyone to live!

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